Adding your store to the Digital Camera Buying Guide

How do I add my products to the Digital Camera Buying Guide?

Simply create a feed text file with
* Digital Camera Buying Guide product id,
* your sites product url,
* price in dollars, and
* contact email address.

Fields need to be separated with ";". Order matters. For example:


Here, the Digital Camera Buying Guide product id is "196", your sites product URL is "", the price is $"10.50", and the contact email address is ""

How do I find the Digital Camera Buying Guide product id?
Simply browse to the product on the Digital Camera Buying Guide and look at the URL:
XXX is the product id

Each product that you want to list on the Digital Camera Buying Guide must be on a line of its own. The file should have read permission

Click here for a sample feed file

How much does it cost to add my products to the Digital Camera Buying Guide?

It's Free.

Sign up now

Store Name 
Store Location 
Feed URL 


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